We are all screaming and nobody is listening. Everyone has their opinion and sometimes they get rude, down right mean, really. It saddens me that tragedy can bring out hatred for someone. Someone that just sees things differently than you, is that a reason to be rude and disrespectful.
Well well well.. this was written on 2/18/2018... it sure did age well, didn't it? I don't recall what tragedy took place but I bet it was most likely a mass shooting. It was most likely a white male with a history of depression or mental illness.
Everyone screaming for everyone to give up their guns like that is not going to solve any problems. The good guys giving up their guns is like defunding the police...oh wait, they want that too.
I think we should start from our roots. Clean up the food in US, stop allowing chemicals and dyes in all our food. Stop eating GMO's and bioengineered foods. We also should start treating the mentally ill instead of acceptig every weird as thing as the new normal. Men wanting to cut their dicks off and sticking frozen ketchup up their ass is not normal. Men don't menstrate, men can't get pregnant. Facts are facts. Also your 3 year old is not trans gender nor gay, he or she is three fucking years old..... that's it, he or she is a three year old... nothing more!
If you think your son is transgender at three just because he likes to wear his sister's tutus you are in fact an asshole parent that is seeking attention. STOP IT!
And once again a post that went sideways. I have a lot more to say on this but I'm going to end it here and move onto my next draft.