**If you do not click on the links(there's about 9 of them full of scientific studies and facts) I leave and research each of them please refrain from leaving an insult**
Below are not my words, they are words of a friend, I have been given permission to use them. I am not going to be bullied any longer. I am not going to put up with "well, my child is fully vaccinated and fine." Because I am not fine and I refuse to put my children at risk because your child is fine. What you need to know is my children are more than fine, they are healthy with no autoimmune disease, no celiac disease, no food allergies, no eczema, no learning disabilities. I am not willing to risk their health or well being because you think I should to "protect" your child. I don't tell anyone to not vaccinate, I simply tell them to read an insert, and educate yourself about vaccines. If vaccines are so great they wouldn't need to be made mandatory. If there weren't hundreds of thousands vaccine injured people out there we wouldn't be fighting for the right to choose.....
Every person I've met that questions vaccine safety was once pro vaccine until themselves or someone they loved became vaccine injured. Vaccines are not safe, vaccines did not save us from disease, indoor plumbing and clean water did. If you look at the history of vaccines you will see that.
Also....It pisses me off that vaccine injury is not talked about. There are so many of us, young and old, injured by a vaccine yet everyone turns their head. Well guess what, I am angry, vaccines have killed and disabled so many and we must talk about it. You can say you love science but if you discount vaccine injury and all the adverse effects you don't know science. Science proves vaccines harm. Science proves vaccines don't work(because booster after booster). Science proves vaccines didn't save us from disease..... Read a fucking medical journal....read the science, do not rely on mainstream news.
AGAIN!!!! The bold font are NOT my words. The typos are not mine.
Vaccines are not scientific, because there has never been - I repeat, NEVER - been a published study that used an unvaccinated controlled/placebo group, to demonstrate the long-term efficacy, and long-term safety of any vaccine used in the U.S. Not one controlled study in any scientific journal evaluating the long-term benefits and risks vs. dangers of vaccination vs. unvaccinated (Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, M.D. world-leading in Immunogenetics, speech at the NVIC International Vaccine Conference, Arlington Virginia, Sept. 1997.
Also, there has been no long-term study done on the safety of multiple vaccines given at the same time, or the carcinogenic and reproductive complications that may occur. Thus, no doctor or other health professional can honestly tell you your baby will be safe and there is no future cancer risk.
For those of you who remember science class, the use of a control (untreated or "placebo") group to test results was considered fundamental in producing scientific findings. This bizarre absence of scientific method in vaccine studies tells you something vaccine industry integrity.
I ask you to show me one, just ONE, scientific study on any routine childhood vaccination showing that vaccinated kids are better off in the long-term than unvaccinated kids. You have to read all the raw data on the study and make sure that the control group is actually unvaccinated and the "placebo" they are using isn't just another vaccine, or a vaccine that has just had the somewhat safe antigen removed and all the poisonous, toxic ingredients left in.
(this was written before the other study was done, want more studies or comparisons, research some more, thanks)
The one and only published comparison (non-controlled) study I have found comparing vaccinated kids to unvaccinated kids, was one in 2008 which showed that infants who were vaccinated with the Hepatitis B vaccine with Thimerosal (Thimerosal is 50% Mercury by weight) had nine times higher rate of developmental disabilities than unvaccinated children (The Journal of Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Sept. 2008 entitled Hepatitis B triple series vaccine and developmental disability in U.S. children aged 1 to 9 years by Gallagher and Goodman.).
Our society celebrates the historical conquests of vaccines over disease. However, the data shows this celebration may not be deserved. National Morbidity Reports, from the U.S. Public Health Reports, show the rise and fall of deaths related to disease epidemics. In most cases, the death rate was decreasing significantly before vaccines were even introduced.
These reports, according to figures published in International Mortality Statistics, show that from 1915-1958 (five years before the creation of the measles vaccine) the measles health rate in the U.S. and U.K. had already declined by 98%, and that between 1900 and 1965, measles deaths had already decreased by 99% when the measles vaccine was introduced in 1968. From 1900 to 1935, whooping cough deaths had already decreased by 82% before the vaccine was introduced in the 1940s. Between 1923 and 1953, the polio health rate had already decreased by 55% when polio vaccine was introduced in 1955. It is fascinating, that the incidence of polio in Europe decreased at the same rate and same time as the U.S., even though in Europe there was no polio vaccine. It appears that these epidemics were simply at the tail end of a natural disease cycle when the vaccine was introduced. The death rate of tuberculosis declined similarly in countries that did not use the BCG vaccine, as in those that did. Scarlett fever, rheumatic fever, and typhoid were all deadly killers which all disappeared without a vaccine.
This natural downward trend is also shown in the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company's actuarial tables (that have no financial bias), showing the death rate among children from diphtheria, measles, and whooping cough had already decreased 95% from 1911 to 1945 from actual "natural herd immunity" at work - before the mass immunization programs started in the United States. This decrease was mainly due to less crowding and improved hygiene. Amazingly, it appears that most, if not all, of the diseases, for which we commonly vaccinate, would have largely disappeared without any vaccines, just as other diseases have done all through history. (The documentation that settles this question on the relevance of the vaccines in the natural decline of diseases, with graphs showing the degree of disease decline and the years when vaccines were introduced, is found in International Mortality Statistics Facts on File, pp. 163-189, 313, Michael Anderson, inc ISBN o-87196-514-3 and U.S. Dept. of Comm. Historical Statistics of the U.S., Part 1 Bureau of Census 1975.)
Not only is the efficiency of vaccines in question, but there is evidence that they can actually cause disease. For example, the first polio vaccination campaign was launched in April 1955, and immediately 70,000 school children became ill, 56 contracted polio, many became paralyzed, and many died from the vaccine. (The relevance of smallpox vaccine to the actual eradication of smallpox on the planet is also quite controversial, and I'm sure you will find the details of the study quite interesting, though quite extensive. Suffice it to say, the story of the smallpox vaccine is a long complex story, so I will simply refer you to my references, particularly the smallpox section of "The Vaccine Safety Manual", pages 27-46 by Neil Miller. It is excellent. Don't just go to the CDC website where they admit to no real problem with any vaccine. The actual facts and studies on smallpox are quite amazing and largely unknown. Do some reading if you are curious.)
These are now my words again.
If you feel the need to tell me my children are putting your children at risk for a disease they don't have you can fuck off. My children will not receive toxic chemicals so you can feel like your child is protected. My children are protected, their immune systems are strong. If I'm not worried about my unvaccinated family you shouldn't be either. Chances are your children are around unvaccinated children and adults every day. If you haven't caught up on your boosters for all vaccines on the 2017 schedule you are considered unvaccinated. Those vaccines you received as a child are no longer "protecting" you. Here is the adult schedule. I just think you should know EXACTLY what you are injecting and the adverse effects of the toxins.
This breakdown of the ingredients in the dtap is one of my favorites...
Why a life with brain damage or neuropathy(yes, it's a common adverse effect from the MMR that your doctor fails to mention and a 1 year old can't tell you they feel it) is not better than a week with the measles
A list of all vaccine ingredients, do you actually know what's in all those vaccines?
If you care to see personal stories of the vaccine injured
And you can't get tetanus from a rusty nail or a cut from a kitchen knife or a cat scratch and even if you did the vaccine is useless, you would need TiG shot.
Measles wasn't scary before the vaccine was a money maker, it's still not scary unless you watch the news that is controlled by vaccine share holders.
Some more reading material
I've done my research, I didn't listen to anyone "famous", I didn't get my info from google(i started this journey long before google). I am making an informed decision for my family, this freedom should not be taken away. Whether you vaccinate or don't should be a choice, to take that choice away is medical tyranny. So if you vaccinate you should still protest mandatory anything....think about it....where there is a risk there needs to be a choice.
Let's not forget the Cutter Incident with measles, mumps and pertussis making a come back, could it be from the vaccines?
oh and if you discount my intelligence because I use the word FUCK, bless your heart....
Below are not my words, they are words of a friend, I have been given permission to use them. I am not going to be bullied any longer. I am not going to put up with "well, my child is fully vaccinated and fine." Because I am not fine and I refuse to put my children at risk because your child is fine. What you need to know is my children are more than fine, they are healthy with no autoimmune disease, no celiac disease, no food allergies, no eczema, no learning disabilities. I am not willing to risk their health or well being because you think I should to "protect" your child. I don't tell anyone to not vaccinate, I simply tell them to read an insert, and educate yourself about vaccines. If vaccines are so great they wouldn't need to be made mandatory. If there weren't hundreds of thousands vaccine injured people out there we wouldn't be fighting for the right to choose.....
Every person I've met that questions vaccine safety was once pro vaccine until themselves or someone they loved became vaccine injured. Vaccines are not safe, vaccines did not save us from disease, indoor plumbing and clean water did. If you look at the history of vaccines you will see that.
Also....It pisses me off that vaccine injury is not talked about. There are so many of us, young and old, injured by a vaccine yet everyone turns their head. Well guess what, I am angry, vaccines have killed and disabled so many and we must talk about it. You can say you love science but if you discount vaccine injury and all the adverse effects you don't know science. Science proves vaccines harm. Science proves vaccines don't work(because booster after booster). Science proves vaccines didn't save us from disease..... Read a fucking medical journal....read the science, do not rely on mainstream news.
AGAIN!!!! The bold font are NOT my words. The typos are not mine.
Vaccines are not scientific, because there has never been - I repeat, NEVER - been a published study that used an unvaccinated controlled/placebo group, to demonstrate the long-term efficacy, and long-term safety of any vaccine used in the U.S. Not one controlled study in any scientific journal evaluating the long-term benefits and risks vs. dangers of vaccination vs. unvaccinated (Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, M.D. world-leading in Immunogenetics, speech at the NVIC International Vaccine Conference, Arlington Virginia, Sept. 1997.
Also, there has been no long-term study done on the safety of multiple vaccines given at the same time, or the carcinogenic and reproductive complications that may occur. Thus, no doctor or other health professional can honestly tell you your baby will be safe and there is no future cancer risk.
For those of you who remember science class, the use of a control (untreated or "placebo") group to test results was considered fundamental in producing scientific findings. This bizarre absence of scientific method in vaccine studies tells you something vaccine industry integrity.
I ask you to show me one, just ONE, scientific study on any routine childhood vaccination showing that vaccinated kids are better off in the long-term than unvaccinated kids. You have to read all the raw data on the study and make sure that the control group is actually unvaccinated and the "placebo" they are using isn't just another vaccine, or a vaccine that has just had the somewhat safe antigen removed and all the poisonous, toxic ingredients left in.
(this was written before the other study was done, want more studies or comparisons, research some more, thanks)
The one and only published comparison (non-controlled) study I have found comparing vaccinated kids to unvaccinated kids, was one in 2008 which showed that infants who were vaccinated with the Hepatitis B vaccine with Thimerosal (Thimerosal is 50% Mercury by weight) had nine times higher rate of developmental disabilities than unvaccinated children (The Journal of Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Sept. 2008 entitled Hepatitis B triple series vaccine and developmental disability in U.S. children aged 1 to 9 years by Gallagher and Goodman.).
Our society celebrates the historical conquests of vaccines over disease. However, the data shows this celebration may not be deserved. National Morbidity Reports, from the U.S. Public Health Reports, show the rise and fall of deaths related to disease epidemics. In most cases, the death rate was decreasing significantly before vaccines were even introduced.
These reports, according to figures published in International Mortality Statistics, show that from 1915-1958 (five years before the creation of the measles vaccine) the measles health rate in the U.S. and U.K. had already declined by 98%, and that between 1900 and 1965, measles deaths had already decreased by 99% when the measles vaccine was introduced in 1968. From 1900 to 1935, whooping cough deaths had already decreased by 82% before the vaccine was introduced in the 1940s. Between 1923 and 1953, the polio health rate had already decreased by 55% when polio vaccine was introduced in 1955. It is fascinating, that the incidence of polio in Europe decreased at the same rate and same time as the U.S., even though in Europe there was no polio vaccine. It appears that these epidemics were simply at the tail end of a natural disease cycle when the vaccine was introduced. The death rate of tuberculosis declined similarly in countries that did not use the BCG vaccine, as in those that did. Scarlett fever, rheumatic fever, and typhoid were all deadly killers which all disappeared without a vaccine.
This natural downward trend is also shown in the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company's actuarial tables (that have no financial bias), showing the death rate among children from diphtheria, measles, and whooping cough had already decreased 95% from 1911 to 1945 from actual "natural herd immunity" at work - before the mass immunization programs started in the United States. This decrease was mainly due to less crowding and improved hygiene. Amazingly, it appears that most, if not all, of the diseases, for which we commonly vaccinate, would have largely disappeared without any vaccines, just as other diseases have done all through history. (The documentation that settles this question on the relevance of the vaccines in the natural decline of diseases, with graphs showing the degree of disease decline and the years when vaccines were introduced, is found in International Mortality Statistics Facts on File, pp. 163-189, 313, Michael Anderson, inc ISBN o-87196-514-3 and U.S. Dept. of Comm. Historical Statistics of the U.S., Part 1 Bureau of Census 1975.)
Not only is the efficiency of vaccines in question, but there is evidence that they can actually cause disease. For example, the first polio vaccination campaign was launched in April 1955, and immediately 70,000 school children became ill, 56 contracted polio, many became paralyzed, and many died from the vaccine. (The relevance of smallpox vaccine to the actual eradication of smallpox on the planet is also quite controversial, and I'm sure you will find the details of the study quite interesting, though quite extensive. Suffice it to say, the story of the smallpox vaccine is a long complex story, so I will simply refer you to my references, particularly the smallpox section of "The Vaccine Safety Manual", pages 27-46 by Neil Miller. It is excellent. Don't just go to the CDC website where they admit to no real problem with any vaccine. The actual facts and studies on smallpox are quite amazing and largely unknown. Do some reading if you are curious.)
These are now my words again.
If you feel the need to tell me my children are putting your children at risk for a disease they don't have you can fuck off. My children will not receive toxic chemicals so you can feel like your child is protected. My children are protected, their immune systems are strong. If I'm not worried about my unvaccinated family you shouldn't be either. Chances are your children are around unvaccinated children and adults every day. If you haven't caught up on your boosters for all vaccines on the 2017 schedule you are considered unvaccinated. Those vaccines you received as a child are no longer "protecting" you. Here is the adult schedule. I just think you should know EXACTLY what you are injecting and the adverse effects of the toxins.
This breakdown of the ingredients in the dtap is one of my favorites...
Why a life with brain damage or neuropathy(yes, it's a common adverse effect from the MMR that your doctor fails to mention and a 1 year old can't tell you they feel it) is not better than a week with the measles
A list of all vaccine ingredients, do you actually know what's in all those vaccines?
If you care to see personal stories of the vaccine injured
And you can't get tetanus from a rusty nail or a cut from a kitchen knife or a cat scratch and even if you did the vaccine is useless, you would need TiG shot.
Measles wasn't scary before the vaccine was a money maker, it's still not scary unless you watch the news that is controlled by vaccine share holders.
Some more reading material
I've done my research, I didn't listen to anyone "famous", I didn't get my info from google(i started this journey long before google). I am making an informed decision for my family, this freedom should not be taken away. Whether you vaccinate or don't should be a choice, to take that choice away is medical tyranny. So if you vaccinate you should still protest mandatory anything....think about it....where there is a risk there needs to be a choice.

Let's not forget the Cutter Incident with measles, mumps and pertussis making a come back, could it be from the vaccines?
oh and if you discount my intelligence because I use the word FUCK, bless your heart....
If people just asked to read the inserts before saying yes they would think twice.
I too began researching before google.
My blessed midwife told me to research when I was having my last baby. That was back when medical staff were not policed regarding this topic like they are today. If they can't inform you of the real risks, then how can anyone make an informed decision? And to force people is medical tyranny at its best. If only people researched the world's history, they would know signs.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge and thoughts. I feel the same!
We have a sickest kids ever known in this country suffering from auto- immunity, brain inflammation and immune dysfunction because of the toxic garbage that they are injecting into us. I have zero regrets in life except for trusting the conventional, for profit medical system.
Keep spreading the truth!
I'm happy for the parents who vaccinated and who's children do not seem to have any negative effects (although their immune system may be compromised long term), but that is hardly justification to take away another parent's right to do what they think will protect their child. The research is there to support that view if someone wants to go beyond the advertised and the research that physicians rarely read because they are also so indoctrinated. Fortunately, we have many brace scientists and physicians willing to take a stand against this ethical nightmare, but they pay the price professionally and personally.
For anyone else reading this, I am not religious, hold a masters degree and am well versed in research methodology. I have also made the choice not to vaccinate, and likely have had a reaction that I affects my health today. Thank you for the well written piece.
Parents spend more time researching car seats then what they are injecting into their little ones. When my doctor couldn't tell me what was in each vaccine or who the manufacturer was I knew I had to ask more questions . No inserts or list of risks provided ever from our pediatrician .
When there is a risk there most definitely should be a choice .
The anti vaxx movement has been around for a very long time. Before Google , before mommy blogs and before Wakefield . People need to understand vaccine injury is real and that's why there NEEDS to be a choice .
Thank you again
Real scientifically thinking people do not blindly follow the herd. They investigate for themselves.
Good job!!
A vaccineated vs. unvaccinated study has been published this year, and already it's being dismissed and criticized by those who don't like the results.
Another recent finding is the alarming amount glysophate in some vaccines, not listed in the inserts.
--one year from holding that "Dr." in front of my name.
I vaccinated my child because I didn't know any better & never asked questions. After having spent several years researching vaccines and the immune system, I realise how naive I was and worse, that my ignorance put my child at risk of harm. I was one of the lucky ones as there do not appear to have been any long term side effects, but other parents were not so lucky, and they & their child(ren) now have to live with an uninformed decision or from following the advice of healthcare providers who do not have to pick up the pieces or suffer any consequences when things go wrong.
My life's mission is now to provide as much information as possible in the hopes that my grandbabies and their generation will not be vaccinated. I applaud all young parents like yourself who are courageously taking the heat by speaking out to protect all children.
Thank you again and may God bless you.
Thank you for writing this. ❤❤❤
Being well informed and realistic about Natural immunity options will set your children up for life, and help their children be safe when being breastfed.
I commend you on your bravery and intelligence.
Someone's opinion of whether something is a risk or not a risk does not give anyone the authority to take away your choice, which is a right.
If you do not stand up for your rights, you will not have any. Good on you for standing up and keeping your right to choose.
Them: There are children who are immunocompromised that can't get vaccinations!
Me: I'm talking about your children. Do you believe they are saved from disease if they're vaccinated?
Them: Yes. But what about the immunocompromised?
Me: They're injured from vaccinations. And even then, they are vaccinated. Even kids with cancer are vaccinated.
Them: I just believe in vaccinations.
Me: Belief has nothing to do with science.
Puerto Rico just made the HPV vaccine mandatory for every kid, boy or girl, age 11 and older. This is INSANE. Last week on the news: "San Juan, Puerto Rico - All students aged 11 to 12 are expected to be vaccinated against Human Papillomavirus (HPV) for next year, the Puerto Rican government ordered Monday June 6, 2017"
People need to wake up!!!! The government is hurting our children for profit!!
It is not child abuse to protect your child from the adverse effects & permanent injuries from vaccinations. LIES! PROPAGANDA!
It is a FACT that children DIE FROM VACCINES!
It is a FACT that death from diseases was down when vaccinations started.
Thank a plumber for better hygiene and the local grocery store for better nutrition! Think! Use your brain. Did you know that they used to spray children with DDT? Did you also know that the symptoms of DDT poisoning is virtually identical to POLIO!? Guess what happened at the same time? They finally realized DDT was bad and they started vaccinating for polio! Go watch Dr. Suzanne Humphries video called Smoke, Mirrors and the Disappearance of Polio. Wake up!
Vaccines do more damage than good. They are archaic and should be done away with! We should know by now how to prevent the diseases or at the very least how to lesson the severity. How to treat it effectively should be known as well.
Scurvy-needs Vitamin C
Beri Beri-needs Vitamin B1
What does measles need? What does Pertussis need? Mumps? Etc.
Stop believing the lies and fear they shove down your throats.
I reacted with bad diarrhea with my childhood vaccines (1990's schedule) and my parents didn't realize it. I was always sick with sinus infections and bronchitis. I was classified as lactose intolerant at 5 and my bother was diagnosed at 7 with ADHD. At 13, I got my 3 shots of HepB and after finishing the series my immune system was shot. I got pneumonia and was out of school for 2 weeks and once I was finally better, I was classified as asthmatic. I developed allergies that I didn't have before to yellow dyes, grass, trees and mold. When I was 17, guess what had just come out? Guardasil! (Oh how I loathe Guardasil) I wasn't sexually active but my mom didn't want me to get cancer! I finished my 3 shots (even though my mom questioned the doctor about the safety), and the usual side effects appeared. My skin felt like someone was stabbing me with thousands of tiny needles, my hair on my head started falling out while the hair on my face and arms got thicker and coarser (PCOS), I gained 30lbs in one summer (and have never been able to get back to that weight) and I was sick with a sinus infection or bronchitis from December to May. That was in 2008. We never questioned the vaccines until my nephew did a complete 180 after his MMR in 2011, and I still didn't believe my brother when he explained what he thought caused my nephew's regression. My brother asked me to research vaccines when I got pregnant in 2015. I was afraid of the vaccines and the fear mongering of CPS coming after my child. When my son's doctor, at 4 days old, looked at me like I was stupid for questioning vaccines and told me I would kill or maim my child with these diseases (most of the newer vaccine prevented ones that I had as a child i.e chicken pox and bronchial pneumonia), my mind was made up. He has only had the Vitamin K shot and he's asthmatic, dairy protein intolerant and has eczema. So please keep explaining to me how vaccines are wonderful and saved us from diseases. I'll take a week of being sick over a lifetime of illness any day!
A concerned MD
It's a travesty how many kids are being sterilized, disabled and sent into immune diseases just to help payoff Merck's Huge Advertising expenses for a dangerous vaccine that DOES NOT EVEN STOP THE PEOPLE WHO GET IT FROM GETTING CANCER! If you ever see someone asking about it in a large forum, there will be a sizable number of young people who write in to say they GOT cancer within a year or two of getting that so called vaccine. It does not cause much dissent when someone points out that the current massive number of young women who are in Primary Ovarian Failure or battling dangerous and potentially deadly autoimmune diseases looks very much like a population control measure.
Currently 54% if American Children are Chronically Ill, 50 million Americans have at least one Autoimmune Disease that is slowly killing them, 30 million Americans have deadly allergies that could kill them at any time, 1 in 2 Americans will get cancer in their lifetime, and at current trajectories 80% of all vaccinated males in the US will have a profound brain injury and probably never speak, get out of diapers, or be able to live on their own according to a study at MIT.
The vaccine program has not only heralded the sickest generation in history, it is single handedly ensuring the collapse of our entire system as our younger generation is being felled by illnesses our forebears could not have even imagined, at numbers that they could not have imagined.
He hasn't carried on reading it because he found an article that shows that there have been placebos. And also they can't actually ask people not to vaccinate at such as it would be unethical. To the person that wrote this blog, could you please answer..?
I am neither pro or con or shit like that. I just want the facts. And verifiable facts.
I know there are side effets. I know that people have suffered from them and their life's have ganged horribly. I do not deny any of those.
I find it sick that we are left with a choice of probability. That we / our children are a probability. I understand that according To science there is more chance you get the illness rather than the second effects. However if you are he second effects, well tough luck pretty much! That's fucked.
Also I tend to live a life where natural is better and prevent rather than cure.
Anyhow, jut want to know point of views that are real facts not personal views. thank you.
If you like correlation graphs look at no of measles vaccinations vs occurence of measles. More vaccination = less measles less vaccination = more measles.
it looks great. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks.
Hi there, just changed into aware of your blog through Google, and located
that it is truly informative. I am going to be careful
for brussels. I will be grateful when you proceed this in future.
Numerous folks shall be benefited from your writing.
Can we just stop this rubbish, now! It really is dangerous to be spreading this crap.
(Note I could make myself use your phrase, but that it what I felt like saying)
Moderate away.....
"If vaccines are so great they wouldn't need to be made mandatory".....yeah, here's the thing about mandatory immunizations....they wouldn't need to be mandatory if, pardon the expression, complete dummies like yourself didn't take the advice of crack-pot celebrities but rather listened to medical professionals who went to university, studied and trained FOR YEARS on why vaccinations are vital to keeping the human race strong and thriving. But no, you with your degree from the "University of Google" knows better than they do, right?
My response to your ever so eloquent and CRAZY rant titled, "Why you can fuck off when you say I NEED to vaccinate my children..." is simply this:
Not only can you do the same and f*ck off (sorry, I have a bit more class than you, I guess) with your baseless, "vaccinations are the devil" propaganda, but you can also pay the medical bills when your un-vaccinated brood infects my baby, who is not yet old enough to receive certain immunizations. Or better yet, do the rest of us (with a brain, I might add) a favor and stick your kids in a bubble until they are old enough to realize that mommy dearest lacks basic common sense, and can actually take charge of their own health.
Here's a page that explains more in depth about the different types of studies used to determine the effectiveness of influenza vaccines:
These are articles I found just in 5 minutes. I'd keep looking and post more but I have homework to do, so you might just want to try expanding your search.
Another interesting fact is that all of the measles cases that have been reported lately, were contracted BY vaccinated people FROM vaccinated people. So apparently, the supposed immunity from being vaccinated is only temporary, and those who developed the disease without being vaccinated are not capable of passing it on. I guess the whole thing comes down to "FOLLOW THE MONEY" and see who is getting rich.
You didn't actually read those, did you? Thank god for public education, without it, people might actually know how to refute an argument and present actual evidence in support of it instead of just being snarky and thinking that comes off as somehow superior.
@everyone else who thinks this is not a valid argument:
maybe you're right. But none of you seem able to produce an actual argument, not even the 'physicians'. All you can bring yourself to do is engage in ad hominems and say 'WRONG!' as if that is somehow an actual argument or we should just believe you because you claim to wear a white lab coat.
Aside from your comments not giving me any confidence that you are, in fact, any sort of medical or scientific authority, even for us 'laymen', they are just said, reactionary non-arguments.
You want people to know the 'truth' about the 'wondercure' of vaccines? Make an actual fucking argument. Post studies that actually conclude that vaccines are play a significant role in significant decreased in disease. Post studies that actually refute the risk of vaccine injury, the increase in shedding, reports of outbreaks being started by and suffered by the recently vaccinated.
How about, instead of claiming that polio is on the rise because of anti-vaxxers, you do a little research and see that it is not actually polio as it(AFM) is associated with(though not known to be caused by) EV-D68, a NONPOLIO virus.
How about, instead of getting pissed because someone is sick of being told how to raise their children, you discuss and debate like you are logical, rational fucking adults(some of which are allegedly medical professionals, despite your lack of any argument or behavior to indicate any validity of such a claim).
There are numerous points you could refute, but don't, instead wishing or prophesying the death of a person's children who appear to be quite healthy and happy.
While you're at it, explain the statistical anomaly of the Amish and other secluded(though not isolated) communities that seem to have very drastically different numbers in regards to autoimmune disease, allergies, neurological disorders, et cetera as well as no seeming increase(actually, a seeming decrease) in the numbers of those afflicted by diseases vaccines are assumed to protect against, even despite their regular contact with the rest of us.
I convinced my partner (a doctor) not to vaccinate our daughter, but I had the help of two paediatricians, both of whom had not vaccinated one or more of their kids.
My daughter is one of the healthiest kids in her class, plus no allergies, virtually no anti-biotics (2 bouts of ear-ache after swimming in over-chlorinated pools) in 16 years.
Despite all the evidence that internal plumbing and clean tap water eliminated virtually all major occurrences of epidemics in the developed world, there are still way too many people who choose to be sheep, rather than study the subject.
Apparently you have never had your children damaged or die from vaccination. My wife and I lost our first born to SIDS. He was 1 day short of being 2 months old when he died. The other two children that we had appeared to be "normal" until my son was diagnosed with ADHD. Granted they did not get the 60+ immunizations that kids today get, but the last round of MMR vaccinations for both kids was the combined shot, not the individual shots. It was after that that my son was diagnosed with ADHD. My daughter also experienced changes after that last round, but not as noticeable as my son's. In that, we were fortunate. If I had known then what I know now, I would have insisted on the individual shots, but due to Big Pharma's greed, you cannot normally get it any more. Vaccination should not be mandated for everyone just due to the fact that some people can not tolerate the vaccines. I am allergic to eggs among other things, so I do not get the flu shots. Since 1970, when I had my last flu shot, I have had the flu only once, and that was because I had to travel for my job, and 1/2 the people on the plane had the flu. My sister, on the other hand, had leukemia, and was ORDERED by her doctor to get the shot. She ended up in the hospital a week later with complications from the flu, even though she had not been around anyone with the flu. Until you take the big bucks out of the vaccine program, you are not going to convince me or a lot of other people of the validity of your arguments and the safety of the vaccines.
God bless you
There are enough doctors out there who feel anger and outrage at the fact that they can't say what they really want to say to their patients.... which is, to teach them to build their immune system up by natural methods. They are told that they will lose their license if they do that. THOSE are the doctors who will certainly allow patients into their clinics - especially those who practice privately - so that they can instruct them on what they need to do so that they don't need vaccinations.
Readers, are you aware that they can put a microchip that is so very tiny that you can't see it into vaccinations? It is so small it will fit through a needle and go straight into your body. Fuck that.
Go see a naturopath instead. Or a nutritionist. Almost all disease can be prevented by having a strong immune system. And diseases like cancer can be healed by doing the emotional work to fix yourself. Get the book You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay.
Have you noticed the propaganda machine working to convince us that it is a good idea to get microchipped lately? Resist with all your might. Same with vaccinations. Join with groups who can barter amongst themselves so that you don't need the microchip or to get vaccinated. Times are coming where if you're chipped they will be able to force you to think a certain way by the things they do with the microchip. Your freewill will be gone. And if you don't toe the line they may even kill you through the microchip. If you don' believe me, do your research into the capabilities of the microchip. Don't believe the salespitch and the lies that it's good for you. They began with letting us microchip our pets if we wanted to, now it's compulsory. It will be the same with humans.... we will initially be able to choose whether or not to, then later, it will become compulsory.
Find communities to join where you don't have to do that, that are established in remote areas. Grow your own food. Get away from the crowds.
Most of you will remember this comment when it's too late.
I get so tired of reading these contrived articles that make such grandiose statements, citing scant research, citing opinion pieces and stating outright misinformation. There's a PLETHORA of well reputed studies done on the causal relations of vaccines and post vaccine illness done over time following the progression of children in their studies, and showing the progression of disease in relation to its rates of occurrence in vaccinated vs non vaccinated areas.
While it's fantastic that any Joe Schmoe can write a blog and quote anything they like as fact, it still does not alter the facts. It's puff pieces such as this that make it more difficult for those who are likely to follow fad/fictional/conspiracies to make informed decisions and to find actual evidence regarding this trendy blame for autism and other diseases. The great thing about Google is you can "know" something and be completely wrong yet find a million different sites that "support" your knowledge. But the truth is we are all biased. Even the way you entered your query in google was biased.
What's undeniable though is these world wide studies that have been done for DECADES. Unless these countries are all in it together �� tracking us through the trackers they injected during our vaccinations...
Anyhow- here's a comprehensive list of just a few studies that according to the author don't exist
The relative good health and population growth globally in the past 60 - 75 years has been a direct result of vaccinations wherever and whenever possible. America knows virtually no major debilitating or deadly diseases because our grandparents and parents did the right thing and got vaccinated and made sure their kids were too.
Go back in time and ask parents who watched their kids wither and die from diseases and ask them if there has been a vaccine to prevent it would they have chosen to give it to their children????... I bet 100% pick the preventative vaccine.
You are only putting people at risk with this half-assed pseudo science. Stop it. Your kids may be the ones who pay the price.
The reason why there has never been a "blind comparison" is because vaccines are so incredibly effective, to purposefully withhold them from the control group would be ethically wrong. When it is found that a drug or treatment is so strongly effective, it becomes unethical to withhold that from the placebo group.
There are several dimensions to the placebo issue. The placebo group provides information to a specific research question that may or may not be relevant. Also, the use of a placebo is intended to withhold treatment information from the patient and usually from the medical personnel evaluating that patient. Finally, the use of a placebo is usually intended to deny a treatment to some of your patients. So, if you want to use a placebo, you have to ask three questions.
Will the placebo group help answer a relevant scientific question?
Is it ethical to hide information from your patients?
Is it ethical to deny a treatment to some of your patients?
The answers to these three questions are difficult, in part because they depend on the medical context, and in part because there is no consensus in the medical community about these issues.
Using a placebo group with vaccine trials will not answer any scientific question because the answer has already been found. VACCINES WORK.
And don't stop looking there!!!!
I am a doctoral-level scientist who works in medical settings - and get boosters regularly so as not to put patients at risk. You are correct that not every vaccine is needed by everyone: for example, in the US, children aren't vaccinated against tuberculosis; elsewhere, this is commonplace. It is sensible to be informed. However, I am concerned about the sources of your information. I know this sort of thing cannot easily be convinced, and certainly not via internet comment. So as a scientist, I would plead with you to read the latest research on the essential vaccines (including but not exclusive to MMR) in any top medical journal: JAMA, BMJ, NEJM, Lancet. Don't just be selective in reading 'scientific' literature rather than the media- be selective about the science you read, weigh evidence according to how recent it is and the caliber of the journal it is published in (rankings are easily accessible). You are correct that it is your decision. You are also correct that being scientifically informed is essential. But unfortunately the consensus of every prominent scientist (not funded by pharmaceutical companies!) is that most childhood vaccines are essential. It breaks my heart to watch the number of children dying of preventable diseases grow and grow - don't make yours victims or perpetrators, and don't be pulled in by the conspiracy theorists: they do work.
The other other environmental threats to our children that are also propagandized by vested interests including media dependent on sponsor dollars and medical dependent on grant dollars are:
1- Fluoridation - fluoride is an inflammatory drug, adjuvant, and developmental neurotoxicant.
2- Pesticide ladened foods, GMO and otherwise - our poison intake is staggering
3- Electrosmog - wireless technology networks have been proven to damage DNA on a cellular level as well as disrupt hormones, cardiac rhythms, sleep patterns, etc.
What they and vaccinations have in common are they are all decreed safe by mandates. Mandates are politics pretending to be science. Mandates benefit corporate health not public health by forcing contaminated products into bodies of convenient consumers.
How about you go back and ask them if they'd want vaccines OR clean water, improved nutrition, sanitation, good hygiene, and access to medical care (including IV fluids for dehydration and antibiotics)- sorry, but YOU are the moron.
A) Exile you to a desert island.
B) Take your children away because of glaring mistreatment.
The main ingredients of a vaccine are dead or weakened viruses or bacteria.
Vaccines can also contain:
Adjuvants: to help the body’s immune system respond better to vaccines.
Additives and preservatives: to help maintain the quality and effectiveness of the vaccine
Additives and preservatives are added to vaccines to maintain the quality and effectiveness of vaccines. Below are examples of some of the ingredients that can be found in vaccines and why they are added.
Additives: help vaccines stay effective during storage.
Example: Gelatin
Some vaccines contain gelatin to protect them against freeze-drying or heat. Gelatin is also used as a stabilizer in live vaccines. However, the use of gelatin in vaccines as an additive has been reduced, even though the incidence of allergic reactions is currently very low.
Preservatives: help keep vaccine vials from getting contaminated with germs.
Example: Thimerosal
Thimerosal is an ethyl mercury derivative. It is a preservative used only in multi-dose vials of vaccines, and not in single-dose vials or syringes. Low doses of thimerosal have not been shown to produce any negative health effects. Nevertheless, no vaccine in Canada since March 2001 for routine use in children contains thimerosal, with the exception of some influenza vaccines. DTaP, polio and Hib vaccines have not contained this preservative since 1997-98. The MMR vaccine used in Canada has never contained thimerosal.
Adjuvants: help the body create a better immune response to a vaccine. Without adjuvants such as aluminum salts and squalene added to vaccines, people would need more frequent doses of vaccines to be protected against viruses and bacteria.
Example: Aluminum salts
Aluminum salts (aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, or potassium aluminum sulfate) are used as adjuvants, substances added to a vaccine to enhance and strengthen the immune system’s response. Aluminum is naturally present in our environment, including air, food, earth and water, and presents little risk to people. The safety of aluminum salts has been established over the past 70 years, with millions of people being vaccinated with aluminum-containing vaccines.
Example: Squalene
Squalene is a naturally occurring substance often found in plants, animals and humans, as well as foods and cosmetics. It is a compound produced by the liver and circulates freely throughout the bloodstream. Squalene has been added as an adjuvant to some seasonal influenza vaccines in Canada to increase the immune response and improve their efficacy for certain age groups.
Vaccine residuals are substances that are added as part of the production process to make the vaccine, but are removed from the final product.
Example: Formaldehyde
Formaldehyde is sometimes used in the manufacturing process of vaccines to inactivate viruses and toxins. However, it is mostly removed during the purification process. Formaldehyde occurs naturally in the human body and helps with metabolism. There is approximately ten times the amount of formaldehyde in a baby’s body at any time than there is in a vaccine.
Vaccines do not contain human cells, blood or tissue.
Human cell lines may be used in the early stages of production to grow viruses for vaccine production. All cells, however, are removed during the purification stage of vaccine development; therefore, there are no human cells in the actual vaccine that you receive or your child receives.
Human albumin is derived from screened blood donors. It is currently used in very small quantities to grow viruses that can then be used in live-virus vaccines such as MMR or MMRV. Once viruses are harvested in the lab, albumin is removed. Recombinant (man-made) albumin is used as a stabilizer in some vaccines.
Your friend is wrong.
People demanding double blind studies for vaccines are ethically wrong. There are groups given the equivalent of placebos, they are called "unvaccinated", and they existed before the vaccines as well as in areas of the world without access to them, and these are used as the "control" in studies.
As for the unethical part, the only real way to properly effect a double blind study is to INFECT CHILDREN WITH DEADLY VIRUSES!!! Why would anyone ask for this? Why would anyone demand this type of study when there are thousands of other studies which do demonstrate the efficacy of vaccines, using other methods of study which do not have such ethical problems.
Vaccines also have more stringent effect reporting than any other medical product, to the point that any aggregious ailment to occur within 6 months of vaccination can be attributed to the vaccine, regardless of there being any evidence of it or not. It can also include diagnosises during this period, and this is one big reason that vaccines allegedly have so many "side-effects" and why autism has been an alleged side effect of the MMR for so long. The MMR vaccine schedule coincides with the first symptoms of autism.
I know you told me where to go, however I don't need my daughter's life being threatened because of this pseado-scientific misinformation.
And that's why indoor plumbing and clean water caused a sharp decline in the rate of smallpox in the late 1700's, right after the vaccine was invented, but didn't cause the rate of Measles to drop until the 1960's, right after THAT vaccine was invented. And indoor plumbing and clean water got a jump-start on Polio in the late 50's, but waited all the way until the 90's to cut the rate of Chicken-pox (the fact that the infection rates for both those diseases dropped sharply right after the vaccine was introduced is just a coincidence.).
And, of course, Rinderpest, which joins Smallpox as one of the two diseases every to be completely wiped out, was destroyed by indoor plumbing and clean water, so you can give the flush toilet credit for the end of this:
It's real simple--if you give a damn about your kids, then provide basic medical care. Vaccinate them.
I pray you are finished reproducing
Willfull ignorance is not a defence against disease. Your only job as a parent is to raise children who will be positive contributors to society. Best way to do that is to be alive.
You can cherry pick your "science" to provide backup to what you want but it doesn't prevent your children from contracting an illness.
Correlation is not causation. Just because two things occur in close proximity, does not mean one causes the other or that what you think is the cause can't be a secondary correlation.
I feel sorry for your babes.
Themselves as soon as they're able. If you won't protect them perhaps they'll protect themselves.
"If seat belts were so great, they wouldn't need to be made mandatory."
"If car seats were so great, they wouldn't need to be made mandatory."
"If avoidance of second hand smoke was so great, we wouldn't need to restrict smoking in public buildings."
All of these "doctors" and "scientists" have been slowly killing us with these vaccines. Enough is enough.
Keep up the good work and we will come out on top. Don't let them wipe us out!
Before imploring others to follow in your "research" footsteps, perhaps you should consider taking a few steps of your own to understand how research actually works. Study design, blinding and bias reduction, randomization, extrapolation, reproducibility, systematic reviews... not cherry picking and moving the goal posts... and most certainly not parroting the same old arguments that have been easily discredited elsewhere in the form of a torrential profanity laden Gish Gallop from Hell.
This is not an appeal for discussion, answers, or clarifications. This is not education. It's a tantrum.
You're a fucking idiot. You don't know science. You don't know statistics. You clearly don't know how to do research. You're a hack. A complete and total hack. You're kids, and their strong immune systems, will likely be internally scarred for life or die because you're a petulant know-it-all. You're what's wrong worth society. You're always right about things you know absolutely nothing about. School me on interferon andIgG. Tell me just how much you know about thymic education and chemokines. How about explaining the differences in antibody structures. You don't know shit and you're selling your angry bunk to others. Go ahead. Blast me. I'll be the one smiling next time any epidemic hits and your whiny, over-privileged asses are scared of dying. Grow the fuck up and stop threatening your kids and the children of others you selfish douchebags.
Stupid anti vaxxers.
🤨Funny. I didn't know you could get polio from a toilet. Oh wait. You don't.
"You can say you love science but if you discount vaccine injury and all the adverse effects you don't know science."
🤨So, if you were "scientific", isn't this where you would insert sources proving your vaccine deaths and/or injuries??
"Read a fucking medical journal."
I will do so, and pick this article apart with them.
""Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, M.D. world-leading in Immunogenetics, speech at the NVIC International Vaccine Conference, Arlington Virginia, Sept. 1997. ""
😶You realize this guy lost his medical license for illegally obtaining controlled subtances, and your source is from 1997. Basic math calculates this to be 20 years old, AKA outdated.
"Also, there has been no long-term study done on the safety of multiple vaccines given at the same time, or the carcinogenic and reproductive complications that may occur. Thus, no doctor or other health professional can honestly tell you your baby will be safe and there is no future cancer risk."
🤔Where is the source here? And lots of Pro-Vaccine folk like myself (who contracted spinal bacterial meningitis at 9 months old by the way) am totally ok with a different scheduled vaccine rate, one at a time. I don't care WHEN you vaccinate, I care that you JUST DO.
Your whole "THIMEROSAL" paragraph?
Vaccines don't contain Thimerosal at all anymore in the USA. Those that do, you can decline or ask for or get alternatives that do NOT contain any.
Your data for decline of measles, polio, and tb? Yes, handwashing helps.
Guess what else helps not only LOWER, but Eradicate? Vaccines.
By the way, where is your source here?
I tried to read the last few paragraphs but they were not scientific at all, which is what you are emphasizing here in it's entirety. You blog, but what education do you have? I have seen two "quoted" sources and only one is half complete.
I'm not attacking here. But if anti-vaccine folk want to be taken seriously, get 100% serious. I'm not meaning this in a mean, rude, aggressive manner. I'm generally curious. I did not use language, but simple scientific peer review of your article.
What the fuck is fun about dying of, or suffering irreparable harm from, easily prevented diseases where the vaccines are safe, cheap and easily available?