I'm slowly starting to feel like myself, and by slowly it seems like a turtle's pace. I am hopeful though, I have great days but I still have my bad days. Days where I fight back the tears and feel very hopeless and defeated. Being back in the sunshine is helping a great deal, it's so nice to be able to just walk outside in whatever I have on and not worry about freezing. I know that probably shouldn't mean so much but man I hate being cold.
We were able to drive west and spend Thanksgiving in San Diego, it was the first time in a long time that I felt at ease. The first time since moving to Montana that I felt like my life was going to be a happy life again.
So here's to this blog being public again and here's to Mrs. Fun returning with beach photos and stories. Here's to positivity, family, friends and adventures. Here's to less anxiety, less stress. Here's to a lot more happiness, laughter, and photography.
Sometimes life gets dark and seems out of focus but it won't stay that long forever. It can't, I won't let it. I'm back in the state I love and it's only uphill from here. I feel my creativity coming back. I'm catching myself noticing the light in every day moments. I'm thinking about how that and this would make for a cool photo.