Adventure awaits her...

Another reason for the girl to stay here is these girls...
Grad 31 (1 of 1)Grad 25 (1 of 1)
Grad 26 (1 of 1)Grad 27 (1 of 1)
Grad 15 (1 of 1)
They light up when they see her! I love it!! I don't love that they run right passed me like I'm not there yelling her name and asking for hugs.
Also, who is going to watch after these two goofballs and keep them from actually doing the crazy things they think are good ideas?
Grad 24 (1 of 1)
And this group of girls just won't be complete without her in there, will it? Nope!
Grad 11 (1 of 1)

But no matter what we do or say she knows this isn't the place for her. This isn't home to her, even if we are all here, this isn't where she was meant to land. She's a city girl with dreams bigger than a small town can provide. She knows it's a big world with lots of adventures to experience.
Grad 4 (1 of 1)

I am ready...I really am. I am going to soak in the days we have left with her and then let her spread her wings and fly.
Grad 19 (1 of 1)
