Another season has come and gone..

G ball-1

As I washing all the uniforms for their last games this season I couldn't help but be a little sad. It's another end to another stage of my kids' lives. Another memory of being on a team and having so and so as a coach. I know I whined a little about how busy we were and I often wondered how I was going to get all of them where they needed to be. Sometimes I didn't get them where they needed to be, sometimes friends took them and sometimes they missed practiced or a game. At first I felt like a failure and that I was letting them down but I wasn't. They all assured me it was okay and they welcomed the break from chaos as much as I did.
One thing I was really worried about were dinners. With them needing to be at the fields by 5:30PM every night but an occasional Wednesday I thought there was no way I was going to pull off dinners every night for 6 weeks. No way could I do that, the girl that would rather order in or hit the drive thru than cook. Well, I did it. We never ate out, never hit the drive thru and not once did I give in and buy snack bar food. You bet your damn ass I am patting myself on the back while giving myself a high five, that is how accomplished and awesome I feel about that. I don't even care if my head is so big it could burst, I've never made it through a baseball season with at least a couple In-N-Out burgers. I know, it helps that we don't have them here but there's still fast food and I avoided it. Now we may have had cereal a night or two, some nights everyone had something different and left overs were my best friend, but no fast food.
T ball-1
The season started off cold and it seemed the teams would never work well together. We had a lot of strike outs, dropped balls and losses.
G ball3-1

Now at the end of the season they are making catches, hitting triples and winning games.
T ball3-1
W ball3-1
The weather has warmed up and it's making me a little sad that it's over. I never really got to know any parents from G or T's teams but I'll miss the parents from Dub's team. They were passionate, at every game and fun to be around.
W ball-1

I loved the kids on Dub's and G's team. They were all so fun and respectful. A little hard on themselves but they always kept it light and fun, even when they were losing.
G ball2-1
W ball2-1

So here's to another baseball season that we will always remember. Our first baseball season we wore layers and used the umbrella for rain.
