It's okay that my arms are sore today, it's a good sore.
It is most defiantly okay I spell defiantly wrong every.single.time. I write it. See, I have spell check.
It's okay that we waited until 5 days before Dub's science project is due to start it, it's still a good one.
It's okay for me to start to love it here, it's been a year. (more on that tomorrow)
It's okay to not want to be friends with someone, you can't click with everyone.
It's okay to feel like a single parent because your spouse is working hard and has fire training 3 days a will pass.
It's okay that this Easter I'm dropping the ball about the Easter bunny to our youngest, he's 9. I'm tired of being all these made up holiday characters.
It's okay if you want to play a pregnancy April fools joke. Not sure why this year everyone is bashing those that do it. It's been happening for decades. It's okay to not like them but don't tell others they shouldn't. It's a joke, it's okay. Not all jokes are funny to all the people.
It's okay to want to go back to this part of the country and stay....