Making the best of it..

Kind of because as I am writing this I am hearing screaming that consist of "I DON'T HAVE IT!! YOU JERK, THAT HURT!! DON'T BE A BABY, I BARELY HIT YOU! STOP BREATHING ON ME! CLOSE YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU CHEW! So we are mostly making the best of it but we aren't used to it being this cold. Not sure anyone ever gets used to this kind of cold. It's the kind of cold that hurts your face and makes you feel like you have frozen snot hanging out your nostrils. The negative temps are some cruel punishment to all that have to live in them.

I am loving that my kids don't let the brutal cold stop them from having outside fun, even if it takes them longer to gear up and get undressed then the time actually spent outside. The sun was shining, there were icicles to be licked and later thrown, just to see them shatter.
boys snow
I am also loving the sun showing it's face a little longer and giving me the magic light that I so desperately have been missing. Now if it was only warm pools of light, I'd be singing.
boys snow-4

For now I'll take what the universe is throwing at me and become a stronger person for it. Doesn't mean I'm going to like it though, don't be getting any crazy ideas. It means I have accepted it and I am confident that this isn't my forever. But I've accepted that this is my now.
boys snow1


AiringMyLaundry said…
Oo light, I also get excited when I see some. Today it's just being gray.