A rant, a pet peeve, something that pisses me off.

I started to get into photography years ago, 2000, to be exact. Way before the internet was anything it is today. I learned all I could, practiced, and practiced some more. In 2005 I started building my portfolio, not charging very much. Soon I felt confident enough to charge what I'm worth, get my license, and built a website. In 2006, I was second shooting weddings, taking on clients and shooting small weddings on my own.
I put a lot of time and passion into each of my sessions. A lot of love, talent and energy. I read an article about photos being used without permission or compensation,READ THIS ARTICLE! and I'm discouraged once again. I am mad, pissed off. This "company" took a photo taken by someone and used it in a way the owner never authorized. Then they go on to sue him when he asks for compensation, it's bullshit, total bullshit.
I am so sick and tired of people thinking that just because it's on the internet it's theirs to use. I am tired of companies thinking because their product is in the photo they can use it for advertising without permission. If I take a photo it's my property, no matter who or what is in it. That photo belongs to me and only me. I remember my photos being stolen from Flickr years ago. I tried to fight it nicely and in one case it worked. In one case they took my photos down and apologized. The others, well, they could still be using my photos. If I had the means to fight them I would. So I suppose I am part of the problem by allowing people, companies, to use my photos without compensation. Not that I am allowing them I am just not fighting them in court.
I remember posting this in hopes that people would understand, I'm not sure it helped but I did try.
Here is an example of photos stolen from me. They went as far as watermarking them as their own.
I will never understand the stealing of photos. I am clueless in how to make it stop. I am writing this in hopes to educate. I am writing this in hopes people will read it, share it and educate themselves. If you didn't take the photo or get permission to use it online, DON'T USE IT!! Even if you paid for the photo don't scan it, don't take a photo of it with your phone and then use it anywhere without the photographer's permission. If you buy digital copies of photos, read how you can use these digital photos. Don't assume that you are free to use these photos in any way you please. AND NO, it doesn't matter that you are in them, you being in them doesn't mean you own the copyright to them, you don't. Just because you paid for such photos still doesn't mean you own the copyright to them, it means you get to enjoy them on your own computer or the wall of your house. The artist, the photographer, owns all copyrights to them.
Photographers are real people trying to make a living, put food on the table, clothes on their kids....They are no different than you who are making a living teaching, building houses, driving a truck, selling insurance....The difference is our work is being stolen. Our work is looked at as "easy" or "just a click of a button" and being stolen from us when we share it. It's not being respected in this digital world and it saddens me.
Please share this, please respect the art known as photography, please don't use a photo you didn't take without permission.It doesn't matter where it's posted, it's not yours to use. Please respect photographers and know their worth.
If you ever wonder why custom photography cost so much, google it, there are plenty of articles out there. Not one of them that I have found factors in stealing of our work, however.
Or you can click here.


My Shasta Home said…
You have a right to be mad - Good information - thanks.
Unknown said…
If i pay for photos, I own them. Period!!!!
MLE said…
Yes, you own the photos but not the copyright.
kate94651 said…
A photographer near me runs this site...if you ever need it again (hope you don't...but you most likely will, since your photos are awesome). http://stopstealingphotos.com/
AiringMyLaundry said…
Oo that would be frustrating if someone stole photos. Especially watermarking with their own crap. I'd be pretty pissed.
Mary said…
Is this digital age people think photos are created by a click, it's so much more. Hope that people start realizing this.