13 0f 2013

I saw this floating around and thought I should do it too. My 13 favorite photos of 2013...
2013 wasn't the best year by wasn't the best year, I mean it sucked. There were high points...the cruise, T turning 8 and G turning 13, Wy turning 11 and OH MY HELL, the girl turned 17. But mostly, it wasn't my favorite year. We were thrown a curve ball that should have had us striking out. Guess what? we walked....
I feel the need to celebrate 2013, some would hate it if they went through what we did. I am choosing to celebrate it through photos.
go home idaho
The Fourth
leaves-1 copy
first fall

If 2013 taught me anything it taught me that you create your own joy. You can let a shitty experience keep you down or you can rise above it. Mr. Fun rose above it. He didn't let the stupid year known as 2013 bring him down. He did what he had to do and we are coming up on top.
Our kids, they did the same, there were a really tough few months but I think it made them stronger. They learned a great deal, as did I. As much as some of these photos are painful to look at, they aren't. That was our life but now we have this life, both healthy, no loss of love...so we move forward and be grateful for what we do have.....Each other!!!


Mary said…
I love how real you are. The photo of your kids all squished together is my favorite.
My Shasta Home said…
Those are such nice pictures of your beautiful family.
AiringMyLaundry said…
Your photos are always awesome.

Happy Friday!