T and his episodes.

I use the word episode loosely for lack of a better word.
They started a couple weeks ago. He called it the madness the first time. It was in middle of the night and he was standing next to my bed crying saying the madness wouldn't leave him alone. I thought it was a dream and walked him back to his bed. Not a minute later he was back saying he felt like he was going to puke, ushered him to the bathroom, he pukes, back to bed. About two minutes later he's at my side again mumbling about the madness, I wake Mr. Fun because now I am a little freaked out. T is crying, near screaming that he can't get the madness out of his eyes. Luckily Mr. Fun got him calmed down and I walked him back to bed. He slept until morning. I thought he wouldn't remember anything, I was wrong, he remembered it all. So I scratch night terrors from my list of things.
Fast forward a week and four more episodes of puking and madness. Eye appointment goes well, no infection and perfect vision. Eye drops prescribed for the redness and swelling. Oh the swelling and red eye, I'll back up. T has had a red left eye with minor eyelid swelling for years. It comes and goes but is noticeable 90% of the time. It has never bothered him and he never complained so I put it off.
You can see the swollen eyelid in this photo.
sf T_
So of course mommy guilt sank in and I was thinking I should have taken him in a long time ago. Luckily his eyes are healthy. But then where do we go from there? Us, we thought it's just his over active imagination and it's a phase. The episodes keep happening and he decided to draw me a picture to help me understand whats going on.

He explains it by saying things are further away and smaller than they are and it goes in and out. After determining his eyesight is perfect and eyes are healthy I am left to think it's.....allergies? or it is just a phase? maybe he has one of those brilliant minds that just makes him weird? something more serious? it's getting him attention so he's keeping it up?
Next step is an appointment with the doctor. In the mean time we have stopped asking him about it and playing it off as nothing serious.
He had another episode while playing kitchen hockey tonight. All he says is "I need to figure out how to make it stop". I remind him his brain and body are very powerful and he'll get through it. Then in my head I mutter "whatever it is". I also question if we are handling all this correctly. If this was the girl we probably would have ran her to the emergency room after the second middle of the night puking. As you can see seventeen plus years of parenting calms you, makes you realize freaking out over things doesn't do you any good. Better to stay calm and put on a happy face.....even if you are a tad bit worried.


Mary said…
I hope all is okay and can be simply explained and fixed.
benbidder said…
I hope the dr visit will shed some light on what is going on! Hopefully you don't have a wacky dr like we did in Arizona and brush off our concerns saying they will 'grow out of it'. Sounds like something definitely affecting his vision which could also explain the vomiting.. Almost like dizziness or something, y'know?
AiringMyLaundry said…
I hope he's okay!
kate94651 said…
Don't you suffer from migraines? Cause that's immediately what I thought when I saw the drawings. Hope you get it figured out soon. {{{hugs}}}
jody said…
I am sorry to hear he is feeling bad. Definitely a doc visit is in order..... insist on a scan to make sure all is well with his head, and if so, maybe he's having migraine aura without the headache. Hugs!!!!