These two...

For being 8.5 years apart they have created a bond that I believe to be unbreakable.
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There is going to be a day where she needs his help....with moving, painting or fixing her car. For now I enjoy watching her be his big sister and he lets her with a smile. They say I love you when one is leaving, they hug and kiss goodnight. I know as he grows this will fade. She can get Dub to give her a hug and kiss still but G resists 98% of the time now that he's a teenager. So for now I will relish in T's sweet voice asking JJ to help him, hearing JJ yell out I love you as we drop him off at a sleepover and him shouting it back.
It's these little moments that make all the hair pulling, head banging, nail biting moments seem not so bad. I catch a glimpse of them on the couch, sitting close and it takes my breath away. I hear them talking and giggling together and my heart smiles. These are the moments that get me through the stressful moments.
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It's too bad we can't take moments, bottle them up and reopen them when we need to.
