It's beautiful. I loved every minute I was there. I want to go back.
I would love for my kids to grow up here. Would I survive? Probably not. If we had a chance to move there, I would. Maybe... Only because this is what my kids did the whole time we were outside.
Lots of walks on the tracks, we even put pennies on the tracks. An awesome souvenir.
They didn't want to come inside. I didn't hear the dreaded "I'm bored" once, not once!!
In a way I am glad it took us so long to get up there. Less time for me to long for afternoons on the porch watching my kids play soccer.
And other made up games that make no sense to anyone but them. Less time to be reminded how much I love Mr. Fun's best friend and his family.
Less time to actually realize a small time lifestyle may not be all that bad.....
And so everyone knows and I don't get emails about train tracks....It's Montana, I've been told that people do whatever they want anyways. In all seriousness, a train only comes once a week. The tracks end shortly after where we were, the train goes down, drops a couple cars, picks up a couple cars and isn't back until the next week. My kids were never in any danger.
And so everyone knows and I don't get emails about train tracks....It's Montana, I've been told that people do whatever they want anyways. In all seriousness, a train only comes once a week. The tracks end shortly after where we were, the train goes down, drops a couple cars, picks up a couple cars and isn't back until the next week. My kids were never in any danger.