Chores and Kids...

Do your kids have chores? Do you pay your kids for doing chores? Do they have a chore chart?

Here in the fun house we don't have a chore chart. I have been thinking of making one but knowing we won't stick to it prevents me from wasting my time.  Our kids don't have any set chores to do daily or before they can get on the computer or go ride their bikes. Around here it's really super duper relaxed. Things get done as they need to be done. Okay, sometimes a day after they need to be done but they get done. We don't make beds very often in this house, usually only if someone is coming over. 

There are things each kid does but only when I ask them to.
JJ does the dishes a lot and her own laundry. She also has to keep her bathroom clean. Her bedroom is never clean, I don't waste my breath or time on that one...she's a teen girl. I just shut the door and everyone is happier.
G has trash duty, that means pulling the big can out to the curb and back in again. Also taking the trash out when needed.
Wy and T do recycles. Wy pulling the big can out to the curb and back again.
They are all responsible for clearing their plates from the table. Boys are expected to put dirty clothes in hamper and clean clothes away. They also have to clean up the game room, dusting and vacuuming included.

Now do we do these chores daily? Nope, just when needed. Do they get paid to do this? Hell to the no! I don't get paid for washing and folding their clothes, why should they get paid to put them away? It's called being a family and working together. My kids usually get what they want within reason, eventually. You know for their birthday or Christmas. We don't buy them things just to buy them things. Well, except books.
So I am curious to know how you do it in your home. I've been told our way is weird and kids should get paid for chores and do them daily.


jaksgirl said…
How you do it is exactly how I do it. It was like reading our story. I have only 2 children aged 18 and 12. The state of the 18 years old's room has been the centre of so much streess and so many arguements that I do the same thing now, shut the door and hope nobody opens it! And your point on paying them, is exactly my point to my kids. Do you pay me for all that I do,no! Why should I pay you for taking care of yourself and being a contributing member of the family? Your time is more valuable than mine? I don't think so!!!
Great post (and great view of the chore issue)!
Marisa said…
We don't have a chore chart. They always put their dirty clothes in the hamper, but I have to get on them to put their stuff away. They help me when I ask them to, like loading the dishwasher or the washing machine, but they clear their plates from the dinner table without me asking.

And we don't pay them for chores. I don't get paid, why should they?
snaphappy6 said…
We do it pretty much the same way here.. a few set chores, but mostly everyone chips in and helps out...we are a family...we work together. When the kids need/want something they generally get it.
I do ask them to make their beds everyday... doesn't always happen but they are pretty good about it. They rotate feeding the dog. They put their laundry away, clear plates....
Do what works for you....