We don't do it enough...

We need to do it more often.

It's nice to be disconnected. What's even better is getting my kids to disconnect and just be.


We didn't get to shoot a lot on this day but it was just enough time to reconnect.


I must take this moment to remind you that, even if you don't own guns, to teach gun safety to your kids.

Shooting 101

Teach them what to do if they see a gun at a friends house, leave the room and ask an adult to put it away. Teach them what to do if their friend picks up said gun, run from them and get an adult. Talk to them often that you do not EVER, for any reason handle a gun without adult supervision and neither should any of their friends or friends' siblings. Teach them that if they are holding a gun to never aim it at anyone, ever. I believe so strongly in gun safety, not gun control. We need to educate our children about guns, not shelter them from them. Teach them every gun is a loaded gun, even if it's not a loaded gun you always handle a gun as if it is.

the range

Believe it or not, kids do listen, especially if you talk to them matter of fact. You don't need to scare them, just teach them. If you don't think you have the knowledge to teach them, find a gun safety course for kids, they are out there.

Some links to check out ...

Gun Safety Guide For Parents.

Another great read.
