Them..our kids...extensions of us!

This move is less than ideal, truth be told. I struggled at first, some days I still ask why. Then I look at my four kids and remember what is in my heart. I am a city girl but that isn't what I want for my kids, never have. I dream of them being small town cowboys.... Driving old pick up trucks without a seatbelt. I want them to have bonfires at the pep rallies and play baseball in a field. I know the girl would never want this but I think if she experiences it her tune could change. I want my kids to be surrounded by adults that care enough about them to treat them as their own. All of this is what this move is going to bring us. It's scary but so exciting. I never would have thought of us moving to a small town, Mr. Fun's line of work just didn't permit it. Now that it is a possibility, I am excited. Yes, it's less than ideal being Mr. Fun hasn't found a job but I have hope. I wish I could say I have faith but I put my faith out there one too many times, my raw, emotional faith, and it failed. So for now, I'll stick with hope.
I keep thinking of the positive, it helps. I keep listing all the positive that is going to come out of this move. My kids will be free to walk or ride their bikes all over and I won't worry. We'll have friends to hang out with again. We will finally get to plant the garden I've always dreamed of having. Class sizes will be drastically smaller for my kids and hopefully the kids are more respectful there. I also believe the boys will want less xbox time and more outside exploring time. I will actually get to have coffee with one my best friends in the whole world. Well, we have coffee together now but it's via the computer and just not the same. We'll get to build snowmen and make snow angels. We'll fish more, camp more and have the life I want my kids to have. The girl may even be able to graduate early, a dream of hers.
I feel at peace with our decision because the kids never really loved it here. G says it is scary with big wide eyes, the girl thinks the kids at her school are scary and weird. Dub gets frustrated daily by the rude, disruptive students in his class. T is the only one that made a connection with a friend and he still is excited about this move.
Now if we only had income coming in or a little more cushion in that bank account.....I'd be so excited and more motivated to start packing.
I am excited for these four souls we are responsible for having a better quality of life. That is what this small town in middle of nowhere is going to give them. Here's to hoping these smiles indicate what is ahead of us.....happy healthy children. That's my end goal, raise happy responsible adults.


Anonymous said…
Well Misty I looked at some of your pictures and I think you are moving to Sweetwater, Montana is that correct? if so Sam is so freakin jealous of you. That is one of his dreams as well. He loves the outdoors so much and loves fishing, hunting and everything that goes along with that kind of life. I love your family and for me I will not miss them as I will still get to be a part of your lives through all of your stories. Love them all. Sometimes I cry and sometimes I laugh. I am so grateful that I feel close to your family only due to the effort on your part of sharing with me. Thanks so much from my heart. Signed your favorite fan Aunt Pat. Love you all. Well because i don't know how to post this I will have to do it the only way I know. let me know if I should do it different.
snaphappy6 said…
wishing you nothing but the best! We as a family never connected in our last location, which is what made our most recent move easy...truth was it couldn't be worse than what we had at that time, only better.... and it has worked out exactly as we had hoped... hoping the same happens for you.
Is J just going to look for work local in your new small town? Changing careers?
Unknown said…
I just found your blog and I am SO glad I did! I'm a newbie blogger myself so I'm just testing out the waters. I live in a small town; I hated it when I was younger but now as a parent I wouldn't have it any other way. For all those reasons you listed, I would not want to raise my kids in a city either. Anyway, stop by and give me a visit. Oh, and you have a new follower!

High Heels and Training Wheels
Anonymous said…
Several friends and relatives (all from Boston area) have moved there and LOVE IT! Many more I know would if they could. Go, look forward, and figure out how to make flip flop boots!
MLE said…
Yes, he may end up in Alaska for a few months. It's all up in the air right now .
Anonymous said…
Going to be quite a change, I think, from down south to Montana. Going to be cold lol. Best of luck!!!
MLE said…
So happy you found me :) I am really hoping that this move proves to be something we wished we had done sooner.
MLE said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
i am mama lola said…
good luck moving. it's stressful, but sounds like in the long run all the worry will have been worth it.
schlep said…
The kids still have to wear seatbelts. Uncle Schleps law
MLE said…
Unless of course they're in the back of the truck ;) or the truck is so old it doesn't have any ;)
MLE said…
Thank you and I hope so!
MLE said…
Oh Boston, a city this city girl would love to live in. Who is, btw?
MLE said…
The change will be huge but worth it, I hope!
gail said…
Moving is so hard on all sortsa levels. I'm sure you'll make the absolute best of it! The kids are awesome creatures because the apple doesn't fall far from the tree :)
HeatherG said…
You will LOVE Montana and your kids will thrive! Moving out of a big city was the absolute best thing we have ever, ever, ever done for our family!!!
Tree said…
I know it's not the same but just wanted to share and hopefully encourage you guys. I am a city girl, growing up in Chicago. Went to college in the Twin Cities and remained there for several years after school. We moved to a much smaller area in WI (45,000 people) which was like a suburb of nothing. My husband had been commuting 30 miles to work each day since 2006. For years, I resisted moving to the relatively tiny town of 8,000. We moved in June 2011. I can honestly say it was such a great decision. They've met quality friends in a short time. They've adjusted with school and athletics quicker than I ever imagined. We have more family time. I hope and pray that you guys will experience the same.
schlep said…
Anonymous said…
Been following you and the Fun clan for a while now Misti and like you i am excited for your family. Also like you, I struggle with the faith part of life sometimes but I continue to hold on that He is out there and that He is looking out for me and mine. That being said, my hope is with you guys.
Unknown said…
Well this whole thing is working out pretty dang well". Now just to get jj to go to um instead of nau