The girl turns twenty one....part two

At some point during the night the girl was asked what she wanted to do next. Of course it involved a wall she saw on our way back from dinner and a photo. We stopped and asked a security guard if he knew where this certain wall was and luckily he did. What we didn't know is that he sent us down a street that led us directly to a very scary part of town. As we were taking photos we saw a woman turn the corner, as she turns the corner she is shooting drugs into her arm. So we started walking, very quickly, back to the land of not so scary. But these two photos make it worth the pee smell and feeling slightly afraid of being mugged.


I was going to say if but who am I kidding, when the four of us go back we will revisit this amazing wall. However, it will be in the daylight and hopefully take some more awesome photos.
