One more school year under our belts...

end of year 2
This school year went by so crazy fast and I am actually a little bummed it's over. I won't miss all the carpool or homework drama. I will most definitely not miss school projects. Making three lunches at 6 am will not be missed, along with that alarm. I will not miss the fucking morons that do not know how to use a pick up or drop line, but that's a whole other post. I am bummed because it seems the older these kids get the faster time goes by. It's like someone has hit the fast forward button on the remote of our lives.
end of year_
Next year will be interesting, trying to talk Dub into transferring to the local high school just 5 minutes away. If he doesn't switch next year he never will and that means three more years of commuting. I don't mind G not switching over because he's officially a Senior....YES! I know!! A fucking Senior! I am not sure how that happened but it has. Dub is a Sophomore now and the thought of him going to school twenty minutes away for another three years kind of exhausts me. Especially when I start to think of his Senior year and T's Freshman year, I'd like it if they went to the same school. I understand why Dub doesn't want to switch schools AGAIN, I get that change is hard and making new friends at his age is difficult. I also know he's an awesome kid that is kind, fun, respectful, and that hair is always a great ice breaker.
I am excited for lazy summer days spent watching movies, eating ice cream and popcorn. I can't wait for our late night wiffle ball games, but not the mosquitos. I am excited for the girl's 21st birthday this July, yes TWENTY-ONE! We are trying to plan a fun trip and I am hoping we can pull it off so it's everything she imagined it to be. I am not looking forward to the electric bills however, thankful for this small house. I am nervous and excited for the boys' trip to Hawaii with their grandparents and uncle. Also a little lot jealous that they get to spend 10 days there, exploring, trying new things, hiking. I know it's going to be a trip they won't forget and it's going to be ten days of glorious quiet for me.
Here's to the summer of 2017, may it be the best summer yet.
