These boys...


Tonight something magical happened. Something that used to be a weekly, daily, thing happened today. My boys in the yard playing wiffle ball. As I sat there listening to them, hearing their laughter, I couldn't help but be sad. Sad that this only happens 3 months a year now, sad that my boys don't get to do what they love more often. Sad that what brings them together as brothers can't be enjoyed like it used to. The heat never kept these boys from getting out there and playing ball. The cold, it keeps them cooped up, locked in their rooms. I want them back where they did things as brothers all the time, not just 3 months a year.


Where their smiles made me smile.....


Goodness I've missed these smiles!!!


I've missed the sound of the crack of the bat. I've missed the sound of their excitement when they make contact. I've missed the sound of their laughs.

I don't want to miss this anymore, I want it to be a part of our every day, all year, lives again. This baseball for 2 months a year is bullshit.
