This Kid, this team...

I feel so thankful that G is part of this team. They are funny, compassionate, respectful and full of charisma.
G baseball-5

For the first time, G is not one of the shortest kids on his team. I really never thought that would happen but he's grown so much in the last year.
G baseball
His voice has deepened and when he walks in the room I often think it's Mr. Fun. When he yells from the garage I have to stop myself because I think it's a man in my house. He is no longer a little boy. It's such a delight to witness him develop into a young man.
G baseball-3
Luckily he's kept a little bit of his dorkiness, he still likes to be silly and every once in awhile he still shouts out an "I love you too" as he's leaving for school.
G baseball-4
His love for baseball grows every year and he doesn't understand people who don't like it. I don't either.
G baseball-2

No matter how hard it is to watch them grow so quickly, no matter how often you doubt yourself as a mother, you're doing a good job. We aren't perfect, we are human. We are going to make mistakes but we are also going to get it right. I like to believe that my kids will remember more moments when I got it right than when I struck out.

All photos shot through fence with MarkII and 70-200 2.8L. ISO 200, AP 2.8, Various SS.


*Jess* said…
we love baseball, too :)