The Girl...

the girl_
When I took this photo it was just to take a photo of our day. After pulling it up on my computer, it stopped me. I realized, that is her past, her whole life right there laid out in front her. From the Christmas I was pregnant with her to her first Christmas to her princess stage to her baking stage....and now...this will be her last holiday season under our roof. The last holiday where she won't be an adult.
The closer it gets the more it hits me, it stops me in my tracks. I worry...have we taught her enough street smarts, have we secured her with enough confidence? Is she really going to go off to college without us? We'll be so far away. I know she's ready, I thought I was ready. Is there a book out there? There has to be a book out there titled How to move your heart thousands of miles away and survive. or Not just loosening the apron strings but cutting them. This coming from someone who hates parenting books and never read one. I tried to read them but it was all common sense to me and I got bored 10 pages in. But right now I need a book.


Anonymous said…
I know how you feel. The other day I was imaging the day we drive to drop Luke off at college and I am already getting teary. And this Thanksgiving I was thinking, it's possible that we won't have Luke at home with us for Thanksgiving next year if he doesn't have more than a couple of days off. Although, if he has no place to go I will pay the money for him to come any cost. So hard to believe our first borns are going off to college. Nothing will be the same after this year. Oh my gosh, I am going to cry again. I will be looking forward to watching for updates on JJs plans for college. :) ~ Marlayna
Angela King said…
This is gorgeous. I still have a few years before the whole college thing but I'm dreading it already!
AiringMyLaundry said…
Aw. They grow so fast.
Unknown said…
As always beautiful a momma who has had 2 move out & is the hardest thing EVER...there is no book to prepare you...just me & my friend Jose Gold that helped ;) It is however amazing to watch them grow into adults & make choices good & bad...thats where my BFF Jose comes back into play again. In 2 years my last one will be moving out...and she will be moving states away to college....and I will need more than Jose...HUGS MOMMA <3
Emily said…
I can't imagine. Mine are still so young. I'll be reading to see how you handle it.