Because 4 kids can look 8 different ways

Aimee said this in a comment. She also has four kids and wants to know how I get all mine looking for photos. So I will tell you all my secrets and then I will have to kill you. MUAHAHAHA!!
I really don't have any secrets, my kids have grown up with a camera in their face.  After so many years I think they have given up the fight. If they have some fight in them there are things I say and do, not proud of all of them but I do them.
1~I am loud, obnoxious and completely random. I make loud, never heard before noises. I crow like a rooster, moo like a cow.
2~I yell out random words like TURKEY or WATERMELON. This will get your kids attention. They may think you are the weirdest mom on the planet but you got a photo of all of them looking.
3~I bribe them. Yes, a good ole fashion bribe can go a long way. It's usually a slurpee from QT . I have been known to offer a dollar or more if I really want a photo.
4~Make it fun. I let them do whatever they want, they talk, punch each other (it's a boy thing that I have given up on understanding), they hug, they tickle each other.
5~JOKES! I ask them to tell me a joke. I then tell a joke. They are more likely to look in your direction and listen to your joke if they got to go first.
6~Have them jump, even if you don't get a good photo of it. Kids love to jump.
7~The freeze game. Tell them to dance until you yell freeze. When you yell freeze be ready to click that shutter.
8~Simon says! Simon says shake your hips, Simon says look at the camera and think about ice cream....
9~Red light, green light.  Great game to play in tunnels or when you want a silhouette. Put the ground rules in play though, only walking. You can usually get a few great shots off on your first two red lights. The rest of the game is just so they'll take photos with you again.
10~Talking.....this is my favorite. I just sit and talk. I ask them what their favorite part of the day was, what they want to do next. What they want for dinner. This gets some great natural expressions.

Everyone isn't always looking at the camera but they will be looking at each other instead off into space.

So there you have it, I am a crazy, noise making, random word yelling, not above a cash bribe mama!
I thought I would share some outtakes. I feel it's only fair. I don't always get the shot I want.

Just put your hands in your pockets if you can't keep them to yourself!!!

This is when I say "Oh just forget it, all I wanted was one photo, ONE PHOTO!!!"

Getting the sillies out...i think...

What the heck!!

Another tip is to embrace the outtakes..embrace the real. Embrace the'll look back at all the photos that frustrated you and be glad you kept them.

Oh and never ever say "say cheese"  when taking  a photo. It'll l eave you with fake smiles every time.


Lori said…
I love your outtakes, so real and fun. I only have 2 kids and I can't get a decent picture to save my life. Will try crowing like a rooster now.
Tamara Camera said…
haha, love this. I'm a professional photographer and my kids are my guinea pigs. And the older one has decided that I can't take her pictures and when I use the excuse that she'll want to remember these great times she's having when she's older, she says that she remembers them in her head and doesn't need photos. So I bribe her and it works. I'm printing out this list!
Unknown said…
Totally agree that the world cheese make for fake smiles! Thank you for the tips!

Happy SITSharefest
