Another older post...Stop judging,slow down...

It seems kids lack compassion, empathy and kindness. I know kids are mean, why are they mean is what I want to know. What makes kids mean?
I try so hard to teach my kids the importance of kindness, respect and compassion. I encourage them to make friends with the new kid and remind them they were the new kid once. If one of their friends gets hurts I push them to go over and comfort them, tell them a joke that will make them giggle.
When we are out and my kids notice someone that is dressed differently, walks with a limp, talks with a stutter I remind that everyone is different and that is what makes the world go round. I remind them of how boring it it would be if we all dressed alike and sounded the same.
I want my kids to accept and not judge others. I want them to open their minds and hearts to everyone and their differences. I realize we can't like everyone and I let my kids know this. I also remind them that even if you don't like someone you still have to be respectful and tolerant.
I ask them how they would feel if somebody made fun of their legs or the way they talked....After they have a second to think about I tell them that is why there is no reason to say anything mean, ever. There is no point to it, it only hurts people.
I ran across this video of a 15 year old boy and I cried...I wonder if anyone asks him how he is feeling or why he's absent. I wonder if anyone takes him something to brighten his long hospital stay for no other reason than to see him smile.

You don't need to be someone's good friend to help them. You just have to want to do it. It's not hard and most of the time it's the simple things that bring the most joy to people.
A smile. Who doesn't love a smile?
Take the cart from the mom in the parking lot even if you have to wait a minute while she finishes unloading the cart. What's that one minute of your time?
Get something off the top shelf for someone struggling. If you are tall that is.
If you see someone that seems to have lost their car in the parking lot, don't keep walking. Stop and ask if you can help them.
If you have an extra $5, buy the person behind you a coffee.
Make a basket of cookies for your local fire department to say thank you.
Hold the door open for the person behind you.

It really isn't hard to be respectful and nice. I know we are all super busy in this fast paced life but what's 20 minutes a week to take flowers to your elderly neighbor just because. If everyone did one random act of kindness a week, if everyone stopped to listen to a story before judging, if everyone just said thank you with a smile this world might be more tolerant of differences.
The beauty of slowing down, helping strangers is your kids watch you.....your kids will learn compassion and kindness by example. They will go to school and pick up the pencil their classmate dropped as they were walking to their next class. They'll offer to help the new kid find their locker or classroom. They'll ask the kid that eats alone everyday to join them and their friends.

Thank you Jordan for all your awesomeness!!!


Lori said…
I wish more parents would teach their kids about compassion and empathy. Teach them to be good people. Good for you, and I love this.